楚雄师范学院学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 15-19.

• 物理 • 上一篇    下一篇


肖丽仙, 傅雄, 周红红, 齐婉嫆, 张显傲, 孟文杰   

  1. 楚雄师范学院 物理与电子科学学院,云南 楚雄 675000
  • 发布日期:2022-06-30

Design and Experimental Study of PV / TEG / PCM Thermal Control Solar Hybrid Power Generation System

Lixian Xiao, Xiong Fu, Honghong Zhou, Wangrong Qi, Xianao Zhang, Wenjie Meng   

  1. School of Physics and Electronic Science, Chuxiong Normal University, Chuxiong 675000, China
  • Published:2022-06-30

摘要: 为控制光伏发电过程中太阳电池温度及提高太阳能利用效率,设计了PV/TEG/PCM(光伏/热电/相变材料)混合发电系统,利用PCM相变过程温度不变的特性,控制系统温度,达到提高太阳电池和温差电池输出功率的目的。实验研究表明,设计的PV/TEG/PCM系统样机,与单一光伏系统相比,太阳电池输出功率增加4.9%,温差电池输出功率达到4.2 mW。

关键词: 光伏发电, 温差发电, 温度控制, 相变材料, 光伏/温差/相变系统

Abstract: In order to control the temperature of solar cells in the process of photovoltaic power generation and improve the utilization efficiency of solar energy, a PV/TEG/PCM (photovoltaic/thermoelectric/phase change material) hybrid power generation system is designed. Using the constant temperature characteristics of PCM phase change process, the system temperature is controlled to improve the output power of solar cells and thermoelectric cells. The experimental research shows that the designed PV/TEG/PCM system prototype increases the output power of solar cell by 4.9% and the output power of thermoelectric cell reaches 4.2 mW compared with a single photovoltaic system.

Key words: Photovoltaic power generation, Thermoelectric power generation, Temperature control, Phase change materials, Photovoltaic/temperature difference/phase change system
