楚雄师范学院学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 31-38.

• 物理 • 上一篇    下一篇


尹德都1,#, 李家旺1,#, 王新春1,*, 刘凯博1, 顾春富2   

  1. 1.楚雄师范学院 物理与电子科学学院,云南 楚雄 675000;
    2.禄丰县第一中学,云南 禄丰 651200
  • 收稿日期:2021-02-19 出版日期:2021-05-20 发布日期:2021-07-23
  • 通讯作者: *王新春(1970–),男,硕士,楚雄师范学院物理与电子科学学院教授,主要研究方向为无线传感器网络与轮询系统。E-mail: wxch@cxtc.edu.cn,Tel. 18187868263。
  • 作者简介:#尹德都(1984–),男,硕士,楚雄师范学院物理与电子科学学院讲师,主要研究方向为物理实验,E-mail: yindedu@cxtc.edu.cn, Tel. 13628783863;李家旺(1967–),男,硕士,楚雄师范学院物理与电子科学学院副教授,主要研究方向为光谱分析。E-mail: lijiaw@cxtc.edu.cn, Tel. 13987807608。
  • 基金资助:
    云南省地方高校联合专项(No. 202001BA070001-200); 楚雄师范学院培育学科建设项目(物理电子学)

The User-oriented Development of the Marsh Gas Dumping and Inputting Auxiliary System

YIN Dedu1, LI Jiawang1, WANG Xinchun1, LIU Kaibo1, GU Chunfu2   

  1. 1. College of Physics and Electronic Science, Chuxiong Normal University, Chuxiong, Yunnan Province 675000;
    2. Lufeng No.1 Middle School, Lufeng, Yunnan Province 651200
  • Received:2021-02-19 Online:2021-05-20 Published:2021-07-23

摘要: 为解决中国农村立式圆柱水压式沼气池供气气压不稳定、富余沼气储存困难,缓解沼气池进料压力,加速池内搅拌,提高产气效率。利用普通低噪音压缩机出口压力可达1MPa以上的特点,对农村户用型沼气池富余沼气进行压缩存储,实现稳定供气气压,以便用户能够使用稳定的沼气;同时可以利用压缩机快速抽气特点,使沼气池中产生负压减轻进料压力,让沼液和沼渣大面积回流,实现池内搅拌,提高产气量;系统以电路、管路设计为重点,对系统主要部分参数测试,系统性能指标能够达到设计要求,试用系统运行稳定,其功能达到预期目标。该系统的研发对美丽乡村建设有积极意义。

关键词: 沼气, 压缩机, 储气罐, 自动控制系统, 分析与评价

Abstract: This research addresses China's rural areas about the vertical cylinder hydraulic pressure gas digesters instability, the surplus gas storage difficulties and biogas ease pressure on feed to accelerate the stirring in tank and improve the gas production efficiency. Ordinary low-noise pressure compressor has the characteristics to export gas at more than 1 Mpa to enable rural households to compress and store methane-generating pit surplus marsh gas to achieve gas pressure stability, so that users can stablize supply of methane. At the same time they can use the compressor to quickly exhaust gas at a negative pressure to reduce pressure feed. This way, biogas residue and biogas slurry can return in quantity to stir the tanks and increase gas production. The system focuses on circuit and pipeline design and the system performance indicators are tested and found to be able to meet the design requirements. The trial system runs stably and its functions can meet the designed objectives. Development of this system is of significance to the construction of beautiful villages.

Key words: Biogas, compressor, cylinder, Automatic Control System, analysis and evaluation
