楚雄师范学院学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 43-50.

• 中华民族共同体研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 楚雄师范学院 语言文化学院,云南 楚雄 675000
  • 收稿日期:2022-01-13 出版日期:2022-04-26 发布日期:2022-04-26
  • 作者简介:陈永香(1964–),女,楚雄师范学院语言文化学院教授,研究方向为民俗学及彝族民间文化。
  • 基金资助:

Integration and Identification of the Yi and Han Cultures - Centering around the Myths about Origin of House in Chapter “Elegy to the Deceased Elderly” in the Yi Epic Elegy to Meige

CHEN Yongxiang   

  1. School of Languages and Cultures, Chuxiong Normal University, Chuxiong, Yunnan Province 675000
  • Received:2022-01-13 Online:2022-04-26 Published:2022-04-26

摘要: 彝族的毕摩经体现了中国文化中儒释道合一的特征,在彝族史诗《梅葛祭:丧老人祭》房屋起源的神话传说中,房屋的第一次建造是由龙女(神力)完成的,龙女建房的故事开头部分是田螺姑娘类型故事,后半部分讲的是丈夫忘恩负义而导致了房屋的失去。第二次建房是彝族神奇人物和汉族文化英雄合作的集体智慧的结晶,其中起到重要作用的中国传统文化中的文化英雄如周公、伏羲、鲁班、杜康等,还有王母娘娘等神灵。彝族房屋起源神话中房屋的建成经历了从依靠神力(龙女)建造到以彝族的神奇人物和汉族的文化英雄共同建造而成的过程。彝族房屋起源神话是彝族毕摩对中国传统文化的采用整合,彝汉文化的交流互鉴的结果。中国各民族的文化中都有对中国传统文化的交流融合,各民族文化的交流互鉴融合正是中华民族共同体意识建构的文化认同基础。

关键词: 彝族, 房屋起源神话, 文化认同

Abstract: The Bimo Scriptures of the Yi shows the characteristic of Confucianism-Buddhism-Taoism trinity in the Chinese culture. Chapter “Elegy to the Deceased Elderly” of epic Elegy to Meige contains myths about origin of house of the Yi people, according to which the first house was built by Lady Dragon (supernatural power). The myth begins with a River-Snail-Maiden-type story, then goes on to criticize the ungrateful husband who lost the house. When the house was built for the second time, it was through the joint effort of legendary figures of both the Yi and the Han, among whom are some of the iconic heroes, founders in various domains and even deities in the traditional Chinese culture. In these myths, the house was first built by supernatural figures, such as Lady Dragon, before legendary figures of the Yi and the Han joint hands to take over the job. These myths about origin of house building are the result of introduction, adaptation and combination of elements of the traditional Chinese culture by the Yi bimos through cultural exchange and integration. Such cultural exchange and integration with the traditional Chinese culture are also found in the history of other minority ethnic groups and it is right on this foundation of cultural exchange and integration, or the foundation of cultural identification, that the awareness of commonwealth of all nations of China began to construct.

Key words: the Yi people, myth about origin of house, cultural identification
