楚雄师范学院学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 86-90.

• 民族学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 滇西科技师范学院教师教育学院,云南 临沧 677000
  • 收稿日期:2020-03-10 发布日期:2020-12-24
  • 作者简介:梅 英(1977―),女(满族),博士,滇西科技师范学院教师教育学院教授,研究方向为中缅边境社会稳定问题。
  • 基金资助:

An Elementary Analysis of Family Politics in Kokang, Myanmar

MEI Ying   

  1. School of Teacher Education, West Yunnan University, Lincang, Yunnan Province 677000
  • Received:2020-03-10 Published:2020-12-24

摘要: 缅北果敢地区长期以来族群内斗不断、家族政治现象突出,究其原因,与果敢居民族群认同感缺失、政府军暗中解构以及复杂的地缘政治密切相关。上述因素中,族群认同感缺失是问题源生根本,而族群认同感的缺失,又与果敢族属被动政治建构,其族群建构的“源生”依据即共同历史记忆空白、后续的“维系”依据即共同体秩序规则乏力,内部的家族边界难以消除、难以形成共同体合力相关。以缅北果敢地区族群认同案例为鉴,族群认同的构建与维系过程复杂、作用力多样,绝非外力简单促推即可完成。

关键词: 族际政治, 族群认同, 历史记忆, 共同体

Abstract: In Kokang, Myanmar, ethnical struggles have never stopped and family politics has always been a hot issue, which can mainly be attributed to lack of ethnical identification of the locals, the under-the-desk deconstruction of the military government and the complicated local geographical politics. Among the above mentioned causes, lack of ethnical identification is the fundamental one, for the military government makes use of the missing shared history to deconstruct the society, resulting in loss of social order, persistent family boundary and unreachable common efforts of the locals. This is a lesson to be learnt, as construction of ethnic identification is a hard, complicated process subject to influences from various factional forces, internal and external.

Key words: inter-ethnic politics, ethnical identification, historical memory, community
