楚雄师范学院学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 59-64.

• 文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 辽宁大学文学院,辽宁 沈阳 110136
  • 收稿日期:2020-01-06 出版日期:2020-03-20 发布日期:2020-12-25
  • 作者简介:王 潇(1995―),男,辽宁大学文学院硕士研究生,研究方向为中国现当代文学。

On the Left-wing Tendency of the Neo-sensationalist Writers

WANG Xiao   

  1. College of Liberal Arts, Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning Province 110136
  • Received:2020-01-06 Online:2020-03-20 Published:2020-12-25

摘要: 文学史对于新感觉派同人的表述,以其创作的“现代”质为制高点,在一定程度上也掩盖了历史现场的“真相”。新感觉派同人面对“左翼”时代主潮,出于“文艺自由”之原则不遗余力地追寻着“尖端文学”,其创作中兼具着“左倾”现实主义因子与“感觉化”现代主义因子。就其“左翼”倾向的“起落”亦不是单个文学史意义上的“图景”,更是时代主流由启蒙式“个人话语”向革命式“集体话语”过渡背后,文人群体所经历的精神走向与文学归宿。

关键词: 新感觉派同人, 左翼话语, 文艺自由, 历史现场

Abstract: The expression of the school of new-feeling novels in the history of literature is based on the modern quality of their creation. To some extent, the deep excavation of the modernist techniques in the text also covered up the truth of the historical scene. To restore the historical scene, the neo-sensationalists, faced with the tendency that the left-wing discourse resources occupy the main trend of the times, spare no effort to pursue the cutting-edge literature because of the principle of literary and artistic freedom. In their creation, both the left-leaning realism factor and the feeling-oriented modernism factor are present. The rise and fall of the left-wing tendency is not a picture in the sense of a single literary history, but also the spiritual trend and literary end-result of the literati behind the transition from the enlightenment-type individual discourse to the revolutionary-type collective discourse.

Key words: neo-sensationalism, left-wing discourse, literary freedom, historical scene
