楚雄师范学院学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 100-105.

• 民族学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 楚雄师范学院图书馆,云南 楚雄 675000
  • 收稿日期:2020-01-05 出版日期:2020-03-20 发布日期:2020-12-25
  • 作者简介:祁建华(1969―),男(傈僳族),楚雄师范学院图书馆馆员,研究方向为彝族古籍和地方民族文化。
  • 基金资助:

On the Historical Background of the Rise of the Fengs and Nas Chieftain Families in Wuding County

QI Jianhua   

  1. Library, Chuxiong Normal University, Chuxiong, Yunnan Province 675000
  • Received:2020-01-05 Online:2020-03-20 Published:2020-12-25

摘要: 武定自元代起,即是昆明通往成都的滇北干道要冲,又处于彝汉文化边缘的缓冲地带,中央朝廷往往鞭长莫及,但又并非全然不顾,而是间接的制约;交通不便,但又非与世隔绝。彝族“罗婺部”发源于今武定县发窝乡的大黑山一带,南诏后期形成了强大的地方势力,为“东方三十七蛮部”之一,宋孝宗淳熙年间(公元1174―1189年),大理段氏“举阿而为罗婺长”。洪武十四年(公元1381年),土官商胜携土官印归顺明朝,朱元璋授中顺大夫、武定军民府土官知府。明弘治三年(公元1488年),明孝宗御赐凤姓。那氏则是在凤氏被“改流”之后起来的势力相对较弱的小土司,是羁縻政策的延续。

关键词: 武定, 罗婺部, 羁縻, 凤氏土司

Abstract: Situated between Kunming and Chengdu, Wuding County, Yunnan Province has been a transportation hub in north Yunnan ever since the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368). Culturally speaking, it is located in the buffer area between the Yi and the Han cultures. Politically, administration of the heartland dynasties could reach it, but just hardly, thus its influence here was only indirect. In terms of transport, it is neither easily accessible nor completely isolated. The Luowu Tribe of the Yi people originated around the Dahei Mountain, Fawo Township, Wuding County. In the late years of Nanzhao Kingdom (738-902), it became a powerful local influence together with other “36 eastern barbarian tribes” and its sovereign was officially recognized by the Dali Kingdom (937-1253) during the reign of Emperor Xiaozong of the Song Dynasty (1174-1189). In 1381, Shang Sheng, a tuguan or local administrator pledged allegiance to the Ming Dynasty, surrendering his official seal, and was officially established by Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang as the local governor with both civil and military titles. In 1488, his descendants were given an imperial surname – the Fengs – by the Ming Emperor. The Nas were another story. The transformation from local chieftains to circulating governors of this comparatively minor family represented continuation of the restriction policy of the heartland dynasties.

Key words: Wuding, the Luowu Tribe, restriction, the Feng chieftains
