楚雄师范学院学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 84-89.

• 社会学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


杜刘潇1, 张前明2   

  1. 1.博洛尼亚大学 文学与哲学学院,意大利 博洛尼亚 40126;
    2.楚雄师范学院 管理与经济学院,云南 楚雄 675000
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-04 出版日期:2022-07-20 发布日期:2022-08-16
  • 作者简介:杜刘潇(1988–),男(彝族),意大利博洛尼亚大学社会公共传播学专业硕士研究生,研究方向为文化传播学。

Imbedding and Integration: On the Path to Enhance Influence of the Chinese Culture under the “One Belt One Road” Proposal-From the Perspective of Chinese-invested Multi-national Enterprises

DU Liuxiao1, ZHANG Qianming2   

  1. 1. School of Literature and Philosophy, University of Bologna, Bologna 40126, Italy;
    2. School of Management and Economics, Chuxiong Normal University, Chuxiong, Yunnan Province 675000
  • Received:2022-04-04 Online:2022-07-20 Published:2022-08-16

摘要: “一带一路”倡议下,不断提升中华文化影响力具有重要作用。提升中华文化影响力,有利于增强文化交流,消除文化隔阂;随着“走出去”,中资跨国企业在落地沿线国家和地区的同时,也带动了体育文化、饮食文化和自媒体文化的嵌入融合发展。有利于展示良好形象,提升文化软实力;有利于夯实互信基础,助力共同体建设。体育文化赛事嵌入为文化对外交流提供了组织基础,饮食文化以“民以食为天”的基本需求增强了沟通基础,而自媒体嵌入采用信息化手段缩短了公众之间的心理距离。从实践来看,进一步强化中国企业参与文化对外交流的广度、深度,提升中华文化的影响力,还应进一步优化路径,通过体育文化嵌入更加组织化、饮食文化嵌入更加体验化、自媒体嵌入更加丰富化等,推进中华文化对外交流,推进“一带一路”建设,更好服务构建人类命运共同体。

关键词: 中华文化, 影响力, 路径

Abstract: Under the “One Belt One Road” proposal, increasingly enhancing influence of the Chinese culture is of great significance as it can help strengthen cultural exchange and overcome cultural barriers. As a part of the “going out” program, the Chinese-invested multi-national enterprises begin promoting imbedding, integration and development of sport culture, food culture and we-medium culture upon their landing in the countries and regions along the Road and the Belt. This helps showing your friendly image, improving your soft cultural strength, consolidating the mutual-trust basis and boosting community construction. Imbedding of sport events provides organizational basis for cultural and international exchange, that of food culture with the principle of “food as the people’s cardinal need” strengthens the basis for communication, while that of we media shortens the psychological distance between the people by means of information technology. Practice tells us that the path should be further optimized if the width and depth of involvement of Chinese enterprises in cultural exchange with the outside world are to be expanded to enhance influence of the Chinese culture. Furthermore, by making sport culture imbedding better organized, food culture imbedding more experience-friendly and we-medium imbedding more diversified, exchange of the Chinese culture with the outside world can be further improved to boost construction of the “One Belt One Road” program to provide better services to the construction of the community of common destiny for all mankind.

Key words: Chinese culture, influence, path
