楚雄师范学院学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 55-60.

• 语言文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 楚雄师范学院 语言文化学院,云南 楚雄 675000
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-25 出版日期:2022-07-20 发布日期:2022-08-16
  • 作者简介:艾桂琴(1979–)女,楚雄师范学院语言文化学院副教授,研究方向为英美文学、比较文学。
  • 基金资助:

On Green Book from the Perspective of Post-Colonialism

AI Guiqin   

  1. School of Languages and Culture, Chuxiong Normal University, Chuxiong, Yunnan Province 675000
  • Received:2022-04-25 Online:2022-07-20 Published:2022-08-16

摘要: 电影《绿皮书》从后殖民主义出发,通过探讨白人对黑人的种族歧视和偏见,反映了以唐·谢利为代表的黑人用实际行动奋力抵抗白人的种族歧视,在生活中努力摆脱“他者”身份,追求自由和平等以实现身份认同的故事。旨在让被殖民者意识到自身文化身份缺失的现实以及身份重建的必要性,让殖民者意识到各种文明之间应当彼此尊重、平等对话,共同推动人类世界文明向前发展。

关键词: 后殖民主义, 《绿皮书》, 文化侵略, 他者, 杂糅, 身份认同

Abstract: From the perspective of post-colonialism, Green Book reveals the white’s racial discrimination and prejudice to the black, which leads to the black’s representative Shelly’s rebelling and rejecting racial discrimination, trying to get rid of the identity of “other”, pursuing freedom and equality, and realizing identity. Its purpose is to make the colonized realize the reality of their cultural identities lost and the necessity of identity reconstruction, and make the colonists realize that different civilizations should respect each other, communicate with each other equally, and jointly advance world civilization.

Key words: post-colonialism, Green Book, culture invasion, other, hybridity, identity
