楚雄师范学院学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 97-112.

• 滇学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


朱和双, 卜其明   

  1. 楚雄师范学院地方民族文化研究院,云南 楚雄 675000
  • 收稿日期:2019-12-24 发布日期:2020-12-24
  • 作者简介:朱和双(1976―),男,法学(民族学)博士,楚雄师范学院地方民族文化研究院副研究员,研究方向为历史人类学、“滇学”概念史与滇省稀见汉籍整理。卜其明(1949―),男,楚雄州民族艺术剧院二级编剧,楚雄师范学院地方民族文化研究院兼职研究员,研究方向为楚雄地方民族文化。

Remembering an Unhinged Passionate Soul: Historical Situation of the Dying Poet Wu Mei

ZHU Heshuang, BU Qiming   

  1. Local Culture Institute, Chuxiong Normal University, Chuxiong, Yunnan Province 675000
  • Received:2019-12-24 Published:2020-12-24

摘要: 抗战时期词曲大师吴梅为躲避日寇惨绝人寰的屠杀而一路流离西上,由湘潭辗转到桂林,随后抵滇。因经受不住长期颠沛跋涉的劳苦,吴梅的病情猛烈增剧,值及门弟子李一平邀请他到大姚李旗屯家中养病。就在病逝前两个月里,吴梅怀着无比痛苦的思绪度过了短暂而难得的平静生活,他遗留给后世的绝笔之作《赠由瑞熙》《戊寅除夕忆仲培弟》《水龙吟·古微丈挽词》及【羽调·四季花】《题卢前〈楚凤烈传奇〉》都是到云南期间创作或最终改定的。此外,吴梅遗嘱及大量信札透露的狂狷风骨能够折射出他在弥留之际的精神面貌。为了告慰他生前的遗憾,吴梅遗体的措置及最终归葬经历了漫长的集体期待。

关键词: 抗战时期, 吴梅病逝, 李一平, 大姚李旗屯, 历史记忆

Abstract: To flee the ferocity of the Japanese soldiers, Wu Mei, a master playwright and poet, traveled a long, exhausting and dangerous journey westward before finally arriving in Yunnan. With a rapidly deteriorating health, he went to Liqitun Village, Dayao County and stayed at the home of Li Yiping, a student of his, where he lived his last two months, peaceful but stricken by miserable emotions. It was here that he wrote or finished some of his last works. He left a will and a lot of letters that showed his spiritual state as an unhinged passionate poet in his last days. To comfort his regretful soul, his remains were finally returned to Suzhou, his hometown, and buried after a long long wait.

Key words: the period of the resistance war against Japanese aggression (1937-45), Wu Mei's death of illness, Li Yiping, Liqitun Village, Dayao County, historical memory
