楚雄师范学院学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 113-123.

• 滇学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

论 “西南联大” 时期郑天挺的教学活动及其学术研究

袁国友, 袁丽华   

  1. 云南农业大学科学技术史研究所,云南 昆明 650202;
    云南师范大学国际合作与交流处,云南 昆明 650092
  • 收稿日期:2020-01-15 发布日期:2020-12-24
  • 作者简介:袁国友(1966―),男,历史学博士,云南农业大学科学技术史研究所研究员,研究方向为云南地方史、中国近现代史。

Zheng Tianting's Academic Activities and Achievements at Southwest United University

YUAN Guoyou, YUAN Lihua   

  1. Institute of History of Technological Sciences, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming, Yunnan Province 650202;
    Office of International Relations, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, Yunnan Province 650092
  • Received:2020-01-15 Published:2020-12-24

摘要: 在“西南联大”时期,作为北京大学和“西南联大”教授,郑天挺在担负繁重行政工作的同时,认真地从事教学、研究和研究生培养工作。在本科教学上,郑天挺将教学岗位从中文系转到历史系,将授课重心从“魏晋南北朝史”“隋唐史”转向了“明清史”,并以系统详实、生动有趣的教学特点受到联大学生的欢迎;在研究生培养上,郑天挺承担了北京大学文科研究所的教务管理工作,通过精心谋划和协调服务,为研究生的学习和生活创造了良好条件,为抗战时期我国人文学科优秀人才的培养作出了特殊贡献;在学术研究上,郑天挺将治学领域从文献整理转向清史和西南边疆史研究,写出了一批考证精准、见解独到的史学论文,出版了著作《清史探微》,确立了清史专家的学术地位,形成了考据互证、探微见著的治学特色。

关键词: 郑天挺, “西南联大”时期, 人才培养, 学术研究

Abstract: During the period of Southwest United University running, as the Secretary-General of Peking University and the director of general affairs of Southwest United University, Zheng Tianting undertook heavy administrative work. At the same time, he was diligently engaged in teaching, research and training of graduate students. In undergraduate teaching, he shifted his teaching position from the Department of Chinese to the Department of History, and his teaching focus from “History of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties”, and “History of the Sui and Tang Dynasties” to “History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.” His classes were extremely lively and informative and were thus welcomed by the students. In the training of graduate students, Zheng Tianting was in charge of the educational administration of Institute of Liberal Arts, Peking University. Through careful planning and coordination of services, he created good conditions for the study and life of the graduate students. Zheng made special contributions to the training of outstanding talents in Chinese humanities during the War against Japanese Aggression. In academic research, he shifted his research field from literature collation to the study of Qing history and Southwest Frontier History. He wrote a number of historical papers with precise research and unique insights, and published Exploration of Qing History, establishing himself as an expert in Qing history. The characteristic of his research is cross-evidence between textual criticism and exploration. From the perspective of his academic career, the period of Southwest Associated University was the most brilliant and fruitful of the first half of his life.

Key words: Zheng Tianting, period of Southwest United University, talent development, academic research
