楚雄师范学院学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 150-155.

• 教育学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 楚雄师范学院体育与健康学院,云南 楚雄 675000
  • 收稿日期:2020-01-15 发布日期:2020-12-24
  • 作者简介:赵 惠(1986―),女(彝族),楚雄师范学院体育与健康学院讲师,研究方向为学校体育学。
  • 基金资助:

A Summary of Research on Focal P.E. Curriculum Issues in China Based on the Background of Curriculum Reform

ZHAO Hui   

  1. School of Physical Education and Health, Chuxiong Normal University, Chuxiong, Yunnan Province 675000
  • Received:2020-01-15 Published:2020-12-24

摘要: 运用文献资料法、可视化分析等对2005―2019年CNKI收录的我国体育课程核心期刊文献进行分析,得出目前国内体育课程的研究热点为:高校体育课程改革、教学模式、体育与健康课程改革、体育学科核心素养等。发现存在问题为发文量递减、实证研究过少、理论与实践脱节。建议加大对体育课程的关注度和师资培训力度、提高教师专业素养、完善课程考评制度,以深化体育课程改革和促进学生终身体育的养成。

关键词: 体育课程, 学校体育, 教学改革, 热点问题

Abstract: By using the method of literature and visual analysis, this paper analyzes the core journals of China's physical education curriculum collected by CNKI from 2005 to 2019, and concludes that the focal issues of China's physical education curriculum research are: college physical education curriculum reform, teaching mode, physical education and health curriculum reform, core quality of physical education discipline, etc. The existing problems are the decrease of the amount of published papers, the lack of empirical research and the disconnection between theory and practice. In order to deepen the reform of physical education curriculum and promote the students' lifelong physical education, it is suggested to pay more attention to physical education curriculum, strengthen teacher training, improve the teachers' professional quality and improve the curriculum evaluation system.

Key words: physical education curriculum, school sports, teaching reform, focal issue
