楚雄师范学院学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 78-85.

• 语言学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 复旦大学中国语言文学研究所,上海 200433
  • 收稿日期:2020-01-15 出版日期:2020-03-20 发布日期:2020-12-25
  • 作者简介:吴礼权(1964―),男,复旦大学中国语言文学研究所教授、博士生导师,日本京都外国语大学客员教授,台湾东吴大学客座教授,湖北省政府特聘“楚天学者”讲座教授,中国修辞学会会长,研究方向为修辞学、语言学、中国古典文学。
  • 基金资助:

The Creation of Ci in the Period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms and the Text Construction of Noun Arrangement

WU Liquan   

  1. Institute of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433
  • Received:2020-01-15 Online:2020-03-20 Published:2020-12-25

摘要: 五代十国词是唐词的延续,其在名词铺排文本的建构方面既有对唐词所创结构模式的继承沿用,又有自己新的创造。不过,相对来说,五代十国词在名词铺排结构模式上对唐词的继承沿用很少,而自出机杼的创新则居绝大多数。可见,五代十国虽然历史较短,社会动荡,但五代十国词人在词的创作方面却充满活力,特别是一些代表性词人的成就丝毫不输两宋词人,这从名词铺排结构模式的创新上就能见出。

关键词: 五代十国词, 名词铺排, 结构模式, 继承, 创新

Abstract: As the continuation of ci in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), ci in the period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (907-979) inherited the structural pattern of the Tang ci and made its own innovation in the construction of noun-arrangement text. But comparatively speaking, the structural pattern of noun arrangement in that period innovated more than inherited from the Tang ci. Although the period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms was characterized by a short history and social turmoil, ci writers in that period was full of vigour. As a matter of fact, the representative ci writers achieved no less than those in the Northern and Southern Song Dynasties (960-1279) in the least, a phenomenon best demonstrated by its structural pattern of noun arrangement.

Key words: Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, noun arrangement, structural pattern, inheritance, innovation
