楚雄师范学院学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 124-130.

• 滇学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


胡玉平, 杜成辉   

  1. 四川文理学院图书馆,四川 达州 635000;
    四川文理学院四川革命老区发展研究中心,四川 达州 635000
  • 收稿日期:2020-02-18 发布日期:2020-12-24
  • 作者简介:胡玉平(1974―),女,四川文理学院图书馆助理馆员,研究方向为历史文献学。杜成辉(1965―),男,法学(民族学)博士,四川文理学院四川革命老区发展研究中心教授,研究方向为历史学、民族学。
  • 基金资助:

On the Biography of Yang You - Prime Minister of the Nanzhao Kingdom

HU Yuping, DU Chenghui   

  1. Library, Sichuan University of Arts and Science, Dazhou, Sichuan Province 635000;
    Research Center of Areas of Old Revolutionary Bases in Sichuan Province, Sichuan University of Arts and Science, Dazhou, Sichuan Province 635000
  • Received:2020-02-18 Published:2020-12-24

摘要: 杨祐在随鲜于仲通征云南时被俘,深受云南王阁罗凤赏识,累迁崇文馆大学士、兼太傅、清平官,赐名杨蛮祐,对南诏文化教育的发展和南诏与唐朝重归旧好做出了重要贡献,为南诏时期的重要历史人物之一。由于史料缺失,杨祐的事迹不见于正史,在地方史料中也割裂不全。通过综合研究云南史志文献,结合出土碑刻资料,可以得知其生平事迹梗概及后裔情况,对于研究南诏大理史和唐宋史多有助益。

关键词: 南诏, 清平官, 杨祐, 蛮祐

Abstract: Yang You was captured in Xianyu Zhongtong's expedition to Yunnan. Due to appreciation by Ge Luofeng, King of Yunnan, he had served successively as the grand secretary of Chongwen Pavilion, the grand tutor and the prime minister. He was given the name Manyou. As one of the most important historical figures, he made significant contribution to the development of Nanzhao's education and the re-establishment of good relations with the Tang Dynasty. Due to lack of historical literature, no complete story of his life is seen in the official record except for fragmented anecdotes in local historical data. An outline of his life and deeds of his descendants are seen through the comprehensive study of Yunnan's local annals and unearthed inscriptions, which is very helpful not only to the study of history of the Nanzhao and Dali Kingdoms, but also to the study of history of the Tang and Song dynasties.

Key words: Nanzhao Kingdom, prime minister, Yang You, Manyou
