楚雄师范学院学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 101-106.

• 教育教学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


谢利东, 赵云龙, 李磊, 尹绍清   

  1. 楚雄师范学院 教育学院,云南 楚雄,675000
  • 收稿日期:2021-09-06 出版日期:2021-11-20 发布日期:2021-12-09
  • 作者简介:谢利东(1981–),男,楚雄师范学院教育学院副教授,研究方向为教育管理。
  • 基金资助:

Development of Training Transfer Design Evaluation Scale for Primary and Middle School Teachers

XIE Lidong, ZHAO Yunlong, LI Lei YIN Shaoqing   

  1. School of Education, Chuxiong Normal University, Chuxiong, Yunnan Province 675000
  • Received:2021-09-06 Online:2021-11-20 Published:2021-12-09

摘要: 中小学教师培训迁移设计评价量表,能够评定培训设计对受训教师迁移应用所学的支持程度。参考国内外现有研究成果,笔者编制出量表初稿,经专家审订后对341名中小学教师进行了试测,根据试测结果确定了因子结构和测量项目,并检验了量表的信效度。结果显示:量表具有单维结构,合计12个项目;量表信度、效度理想,可作为中小学教师职后培训迁移设计质量的测量工具。

关键词: 中小学教师, 职后培训, 迁移设计, 量表

Abstract: The evaluation scale for training transfer design for primary and middle school teachers is able to evaluate the degree of support that training design can provide to the trainee teachers when transferring and applying what they learn. Consulting currently available research at home and abroad, the authors developed the draft scale, which, after being reviewed by experts, was used to test 341 primary and middle school teachers. Based on the test results, the factorial structure and measurement items were determined and the reliability and validity tested. The results show that the scale is mono-dimensional and includes 12 measurement items, both its reliability and validity are satisfactory and it can be used as a tool to measure the quality of post-service training transfer design for primary and middle school teachers.

Key words: primary and middle school teacher, post-service training, transfer design, scale
