楚雄师范学院学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 121-129.

• 农业科学 • 上一篇    下一篇


张燕1,2, 秦梅1,2, 沙毓沧3, 杨发明1,2, 龙荣华3, 张跃雄4,2, 包晓鹏1, 李仕琴5   

  1. 1.楚雄州农业科学院,云南 楚雄 675000;
    2.楚雄州魔芋产业协会,云南 楚雄 675000;
    3.云南省农业科学院,云南 昆明 650000;
    4.楚雄市经作中心,云南 楚雄 675000;
    5.楚雄州农业广播学校,云南 楚雄 675000
  • 收稿日期:2021-06-15 发布日期:2022-06-30
  • 作者简介:* 张 燕(1966–),女,楚雄州农业科学院研究员,研究方向为魔芋及经济作物育种与栽培。E-mail:yncxzy66408@163.com

Research on Green Development Countermeasure of Amorphophallus Rivieri Industry in Yunnan Province

Yan Zhang1,2, Mei Qin1,2, Yucang Sha3, Faming Yang1,2, Ronghua Long3, Yuexiong Zhang4,2, Xiaopeng Bao1, Shiqing Li5   

  1. 1. Chuxiong Prefecture Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chuxiong 675000, China;
    2. Chuxiong Prefecture Industry and Informatization Committee Chuxiong 675000, China;
    3. Yunnan Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming,Yunnan Province 650000;
    4. Chuxiong City Center of Cash Crops, Chuxiong 675000, China;
    5. Chuxiong Prefecture Broadcasting School of Agriculture. Chuxiong 675000, China
  • Received:2021-06-15 Published:2022-06-30

摘要: 魔芋是一种重要的保健食品,是促进农民增收和乡村振兴的重要产业。云南魔芋产业发展基础良好,应用领域和市场前景广阔,经济效益和社会效益明显,自然环境条件优越。但云南魔芋产业存在扶持政策不完善;未形成产业发展规划;企业小、散、弱,产业链条短;品牌建设滞后,销售渠道不畅;技术服务体系不健全,缺乏质量标;准投入机制不健全的问题。云南魔芋产业绿色发展需完善产业发展政策体系,制定产业发展规划,培强壮大龙头企业,创建“云南魔芋”品牌,强化产业绿色发展科技支撑,建立现代化产品交易市场,加大资源整合力度,强化要素保障。

关键词: 魔芋产业, 云南省, 绿色发展, 对策研究

Abstract: The use and market demand of Amorphophallus rivieri are briefly introduced. The necessity of green development of Amorphophallus rivieri industry in Yunnan Province is clarified. The deficiencies and development advantages in the development of Amorphophallus rivieri industry in Yunnan province are also analyzed. The countermeasures for the green development of industry in the future are put forward as follows improving the industrial development policy system; formulating the industrial development plan; strengthening the leading enterprises; and creating the ‘Yunnan konjac' brand. We will strengthen scientific and technological support for green industrial development, establish modern product trading markets, intensify resource integration, and strengthen the guarantee of factors of production.

Key words: Konjac industry in Yunnan Province, green development, countermeasure research
